
HIPPA Compliance

Petofy is a service-dedicated platform for the well-being of pets and understands that every pet parent and Veterinarian should have control over the information shared. We (Petofy OPHR) act in accordance with the HIPAA compliance policies - the first and most considerable federal law on health privacy and security. We believe all beings must have access to quality healthcare.

The privacy of health information becomes an important concern for all intuitions delivering healthcare. Petofy understands and effectively ensures the levels of privacy and security policies that safeguard the rights of the receiver. Petofy leans towards providing human-level privacy and security to pets.

The healthcare providers need to ensure effective level of privacy and security policies that safeguard the patient's rights.

What is HIPPA?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act known as the HIPPA ensures the protection of all patient information (verbal, written, or electronic) under the accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) of US federal law. It also includes all individually identifiable health information that is transmitted or maintained in any form or medium. Also, the demographic information that ties to an individual includes the identity of the individual including health records. E.g., names, addresses, geographic codes smaller than a state, dates, elements related to the person, telephone numbers, fax numbers, license numbers, social security numbers, etc.

How does HIPPA help to Protect Private Medical Information (PMI)?

Although information privacy is probably the HIPAA provision that's most well-known, it's often misunderstood. Petofy has dedicated its services and all channels to the well-being of animals and thrives each day to provide accessible care to all pets.
HIPPA compliance guidelines are foremost to ensure better treatment – that’s why Petofy OPHR walks through the same and promises to deliver in accordance with the stated laws. The veterinarians associated with Petofy OPHR have complete rights to data privacy and can entrust our platform.
HIPAA's protection of personal health information is still something that requires compliance from numerous individuals and entities.

Covered Entities

What information is protected under HIPAA?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule protects all individually identifiable health information that is held or transmitted by a covered entity or a BA. Petofy is an online aggregated platform that intakes various information which can be held in any form, including digital, paper, or oral. Personal Health Information (PHI) includes but is not limited to the following: a patient's name, address, birth date, Social Security number, biometric identifiers or other personally identifiable information (PHI); An individual's past, present, or future physical or mental health condition; any care provided to an individual; and information concerning the past, present, or future payment for the care provided to the individual that identifies the patient or information for which there is a reasonable basis to believe could be used to identify the patient.